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Instagram Follow Unfollow

Writer's picture: Your dad...oSCAR pETERsonYour dad...oSCAR pETERson

Updated: Oct 8, 2019

I want to say a few things about this practice on Instagram where someone (Asshole A) will follow a profile page (profile page B) with the sole purpose of getting the owner of that page (profile page B) to follow back at which point the initiator of the fake follow (Asshole A) will unfollow that page (profile page B).

In their (Asshole A) demented thinking they think that they (Asshole A) look like a total badass boss because their followers exceeds the number of people they (Asshole A) are following.

In reality... the initiator of the fake follow (Asshole A) looks like a total... asshole.

Just yesterday we had another one do it... some douchbag ex semi professional basketball player from Europe who posted his height 6 foot 10 and his weight... 285 lbs. Loser! Who posts their height and weight? He had 16 and a half thousand followers and I think he was following around 700 people. That's always a dead giveaway. I knew what was gonna happen even before he did it... and sure enough... not even 24 hours later... he unfollowed. What a fucking idiot. Just to make himself look good... like he was a big deal. You're an ex semi pro player in Europe... AND you follow/unfollow... that means you're just a fucking dog turd on the bottom of some other dog turd's shoe you stupid moron!

When we at Vice Soap find an Instagram page we like... we follow for the long term... we are committed and we comment and support that page! There's nothing fake about us! We may not be able to immediately check out everybody's pages that like us... but the ones we do... we show the love!

Don't be the asshole who practices Follow/Unfollow.

Assholes can be male or female... and any of the 31 gender pronouns that NYC has legalized.

If you have to trick people into following you then fuck off you lowlife piece of shit. You are right up there with asshole bosses who bully their employees, people who don't pick up after their dogs, child molesters, scum bags who drug women for sex, and human slavers...

That's right Asshole A... you are the selfish turd that won't flush down the drain... you are the moon orbiting around Uranus that just never gets wiped off... you are the greasy low function fool who was aborted at birth but got better!

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